Hormonal acne? 5 mistakes you need to avoid.

Hormonal acne… It’s the ultimate party crasher, showing up uninvited at the most inconvenient times.

For some, there can be a clear pattern and rhythm to their breakouts - for example, it’s common to see those pimples rear their ugly heads right before our monthly bleed. For others, there may be no pattern at all, and instead their breakouts just seem like a consistent nightmare.

But, don't let it ruin the show! In this blog post, we're uncovering the 5 mistakes you might be making that could be contributing to your unwanted breakouts. From skincare products, to the supplements you should avoid, we've got you covered.

The link between our hormones and acne

First things first, let's talk about what causes hormonal acne. Essentially, it's caused by an imbalance of androgens (male hormones) in the body. These hormones can cause the sebaceous glands (the glands that produce oil) to go into overdrive, leading to clogged pores and acne. So, what can you do to battle this hormonal nightmare?

5 mistakes to avoid with hormonal acne:

  1. Not drinking enough water:

    In addition to hormonal fluctuations, dehydration can also contribute to the development of acne. When the body is dehydrated, it produces more oil to compensate for the lack of moisture, which can lead to clogged pores and breakouts. This is why it is important to drink enough water to keep your skin hydrated and healthy. Aiming for at least 8-10 glasses of water a day can help to support blood sugar balance, liver detoxification, healthy bowel motions (all vital for happy hormones!) as well as keep your skin hydrated and looking clear.

  2. Taking the wrong supplements:

    Many people turn to supplementing with hormonal modulating herbs like Chaste Tree (aka Vitex) or DIM when it comes to treating hormonal acne, however if you don’t know what hormones are contributing towards your breakouts, these can not only be a waste of money, but also make breakouts worse! We always advise to “TEST, don’t guess!” when it comes to treating acne before taking any hormone modulating supplements. By reviewing blood tests and doing a thorough reproductive hormone analysis, we can get right to the root of your skin issue and allow for more targeted treatment and fast track results!

  3. Using the wrong skincare:

    Your skincare routine plays a big role in preventing and treating acne. But using products that are too harsh or not formulated for your skin type can actually make things worse. Make sure to use gentle, non-comedogenic products and avoid using harsh and drying formulas which can strip your skin of its natural oils. Seeing a skin therapist who is qualified to treat your skin and who can prescribe active skin products that are right for your skin type will give you the best results. We highly suggest paying a visit to the amazing team at Clinic 1, an advanced skin therapy clinic in Auckland.

  4. Forgetting about gut health:

    The health of our gut is very closely linked with our skin. An imbalance in the gut microbiome is well-known to be linked with many skin issues, such as eczema and psoriasis as well as acne too. Things that can affect our bacteria balance include antibiotic use, poor diet, alcohol, caffeine, stress and lack of sleep. Promoting a healthy balance of gut bacteria, eliminating potential parasites, promoting healthy bowel motions and nutrient absorption are all at the core of treating hormonal acne.

  5. Not addressing stress:

    Stress can be a major contributing factor to the development of hormonal acne. Chronic stress can disrupt our adrenal hormones, blood sugar balance, ovulation (and therefore progesterone/estrogen balance), upset gut bacteria, and affect our sleep (just to name a few!) all which can be a recipe for breakouts to occur. To help reduce stress and support healthy skin, it's important to find ways to nourish our nervous system response, such as regular exercise, meditation, yoga and setting boundaries.

If you're looking for a comprehensive solution to your hormonal acne, check out our new clear skin package, designed to address all the key causes of hormonal acne, and get you on the path to clear, healthy and glowing skin naturally.

Emily Jensen

Emily is a nutritionist, naturopath and medical herbalist from Auckland, New Zealand.


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